Sunday, July 11, 2010

Slot Canyon in Anza Borrego

February 21, 2010
Anza Borrego State Park

Sometimes you just have to go when the spirit moves you. This was one of those days. I remembered checking out the badlands area near the Calcite Mine in Anza Borrego and I knew I wanted to go back. One day, I was sitting around home when suddenly it hit me, why waste time doing nothing, when we had enough time to go for a hike. I asked Calvin and in spite of the short notice, he consented to come along. It must have been one of those celestial object alignments. Soon we were in the car heading south to Anza Borrego.

After about an hour drive, we were at the turn off to the Calcite Mine. Since we were driving a sedan instead of Roy's Blazer, we opted to walk from the pavement.

I'm headed down the road towards the Calcite Mine

Since the road is so rugged, it really didn't take all that much longer than driving, Ok, it was longer but it didn't seem like it.

Looking at a small mesa I've been told is called "Redtop"

Looking out at the Salton Sea on the hike in

Soon we reached the area where I wanted to explore

After hiking in an easy mile, we then took off from the road and headed over to the area where Roy and I had recently been rained out. During that trip I had decided that I had to come back for some exploring. I knew from the past trip that the canyon ran into a vertical dry waterfall that appeared to be about 12 to 15 feet high, I wasn't going that way, so we headed downstream.

Calvin getting psyched up for the hike as he looks around at the cliffs

Thank goodness, a duck, we're not lost, although I don't know how you would go any other way in a slot canyon?

Very soon the wall became quite narrow, in places about shoulder width

As we walked down the canyon it was interesting to see the different layers in the walls

Sometimes the canyon would open up a bit and then narrow down again

It appears that perhaps intelligent life forms have preceded us

Me walking through the canyon

Yes, it's about this wide

The different shapes and sculpturing were truly a treat to see

After a while the canyon began to open up and get wider

And even wider, here Calvin is walking under a huge overhang

When suddenly what should appear, but the natural bridge we'd seen on the previous trip

Calvin weight lifting

Calvin stomping the pillar back into place after lifting it ; )

From the natural bridge it was just a short walk back to the road we came in on and then out to the car. We both agreed that this was a great hike, not too long, but a real jewel.


  1. Thanks for the complement on the animal shots . I love nature !

  2. Thanks forthe complement on the animal shots
